Open Interpretations
What would you call this?

An ink blot?
A smudge?
Some dirt?
A teacher in religious class once taught us using this picture. She said it was a paper that was just accidentally smudged with some ink. But fundamentally it is still a piece of paper that we could use to write on; good stuff in fact - pictures, words of wisdom.
Moral of her lesson at the end of the day - just like the blot of the ink, we may make mistakes in life, but like the blank paper in the background, we all deserve a second chance.
Recent events remind me of this event and I'd like to use this picture to remind myself that I must bear truth for this simple lesson from my religious class teacher.
Hopefully this little note can bring some faith to people out there - for those of us who've accidentally taken a fall: let's get up from where we've left off and a little dirt and mud is nothing; for those us who accidentally cause or witness others falling, we might want to be a little more encouraging and believe in others.
Labels: emotions, life, people, philosophy, social habits
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