New Year's Eve:
Ushering ther year of 2011 - No countdown, no crazy parties, no clubbing, just a simple new year's eve with family at home to usher in the 2011 :)
Being down with flu, migraine and a slight fever was not the reason for me to be contented with just spending new year's eve at home. But rather it was the idea of cooking dinner for my family for the 1st time (Kudos to a good suggestion raised! ;D )
For someone who was not good at cooking it was sense of fulfillment even though there was help from JY. Perhaps this was the baby steps I should take to learn cooking??
Anyway this was the result of our family's new year eve dinner: marche style crepes!!

There were ice-cream dessert crepes too, but we were too busy eating that the photo-taking was forsaken.
New Year Resolutions:
1) Keep up the regime at Amore
2) Snack less in office
3) Regular attendance at GXY
4) Meddle & observe more in the kitchen
5) Save more $$
6) Keep expenditure record updated
7) Meet up more with friends that I didn't see much in 2010
8) Scrapbook more or make more cards
9) Do up the rest of my photo album which has been procrastinated for a super long time
May 2011 be an exciting year for all of us! Let it be filled with love and beautiful memories~
Happy New Year! =)
Labels: family, life, personal