"Did You Know?"
Was at an ICT Course when the trainer showed us the following video from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHmwZ96_Gos&feature=related
The video really got me thinking. I can't help but agree that we are living in an exponential world - the pace of technological advances in this digital era is an exponential curve.
Though I must say I'm lucky to be born in Generation Y to have experienced both the "old school days" and the digital era. Adapted we have, when Gen Y crossed from the "old school days" to the digital era as technology advanced, thus we are labeled as the digital immigrants. But somehow it is still daunting to know that the future is such an ever-changing one...what is fact now may simply become obsolete and irrelevant before you know it....
As compared to the next generation (Gen Z), who are born digital natives and embracing towards technology, will we be able to stay abreast and relevant to society? Somehow it is daunting to think about even though I have adapted and crossed over as a digital immigrant... =X
Labels: soctiety, technology